Dear Families,
In a matter of few days, our world so rapidly changed. Early March, we began our preparation process for COVID-19. We initiated review of all our Pandemic policies, practices, process and systems to ensure that we were well positioned to continue deliver quality care and services to our elderly.
By March 08, staff and visitor’s health assessments were implemented. At the same time, we initiated body temperature screen on all our elderly. Our elderly’s body temperature was taken once every two hours. Our staff were assessed twice during their work shift for body temperature greater than 98.6 Fahrenheit and COVID-19 symptoms. COVID-19 questionnaire assessment was also rolled out around the same time,
By March 13, we rolled out virtual visits and restricted visitors to all our communities. It was a very difficult decision to take especially when other communities in the state were still allowing visitations. Despite not being a popular decision, I felt it was critical for me to erect a virtual barrier to prevent the virus entering any of our communities.
Every morning I have a conference call with the senior leadership from the Lantern communities. The community leadership meets with their team every day to discuss and implement protective and care related strategies to ensure that every elderly is preserved and protected. The staff are trained almost daily on COVID-19 symptoms and prevention. The staff are inspired to monitor and support each other to ensure that they stay healthy and well. Educational programs were implemented to ensure that our staff’s families are well and healthy.
At this time, all the three communities have adequate PPE to combat an outbreak if it occurs. We continue to work with our contracted vendors and various suppliers in and around the world to procure PPE. Soon, we will have thirty sanitizing stations in every community.
Our objective and goal are to stay steps ahead and do whatever it takes to protect every human being in our communities. I’m extremely grateful to my seniors, families and staff. They have been incredibly supportive and understanding of the Pandemic. Our elderly seniors are simply terrific, understanding, selfless and have been an integral part of our Pandemic prevention process. We couldn’t have accomplished what we did in a quick short period of time without their support and love. Their unending trust inspires and motivates us to continue to care and serve them the way they prefer and desire.
My staff and I are incredibly lucky to have an opportunity to serve our elderly seniors. We know it is difficult times and things change by minute. Our elderly deserves the best and we at the Lantern are committed and determined to give them the best.
As always at your service,
Jean Makesh, CEO
Lantern Group
Included services to the base rate:
Telephone services
Cable services
High speed internet
Air condition
Tap water
Clients Responsibility:
Beauty Shop services, outdoor activities (restaurant, movies etc)
Additional discounts:
1. 5% discount on the base rate with 12 months of base rate pre-payment. If 12 months of base rate pre-payment is not
replenished within 30 days upon due (due after every 12 months) the client will forfeit the 5% discount and will pay the full
base rate immediately.
2. The long-term non-Medicaid security deposit will be waived with 12 months of base rate pre-payment. If 12 months of
base rate pre- payment is not replenished within 30 days upon due (due after every 12 months) the client will pay
the full long-term non- Medicaid security deposit immediately.
Medicaid waiver eligibility:
1. The client must be a resident of Lantern of Chagrin Valley for a minimum of 3 years as private pay.
2. Lantern of Chagrin Valley will only be able to care for the client under the Medicaid waiver eligibility program if the client
requires Lantern of Chagrin Valley’s defined basic care and care plus for assisted living type.
3. Lantern of Chagrin Valley will not be able to care for the client under the Medicaid waiver eligibility program if the client
requires Lantern of Chagrin Valley’s defined extended care for both assisted living and cognitive care type.
3.The client must deposit a $12,000 non-refundable security deposit.