Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease live in a very unique world. A world filled with ideas, thoughts, life situations and experiences that they can only relate, recognize and identify and are very comfortable with. Sometimes it may appear that they are not in your world or mine. There is nothing wrong with the situation. It makes no sense for them to live or relate to our world. They have no regrets or shame, which they are unable to integrate into ours. They appear to be comfortable and satisfied in their own world. There are times; they could be in distress especially when they are concerned about the wellbeing of their loved one.  For example, their children not returning back from school, time for their spouse to return home and the need for them to cook dinner. It is absolutely fine for them to have those feelings. We as caregivers have no right to rock their boat or attempt to bring them to our world or we call the REALITY. Many times I have noticed family members and even caregivers, thrusting their world into theirs. Thrusting our world into theirs will only create confusion, conflict and agitation. Reality orientation must be only done in a controlled therapeutic environment. Sometimes, unknowingly we share our world experiences with them causing more chaos and conflict within them. Our discussions and engagements with them should be about them and their world. They should be the center of attention and focus. We only share our world with them after we figure out their time and place in their world. When we share our experiences, we have to make a conscious effort to ensure that it fits in their world. Everything we utter and demonstrate should be meaningful to them. It will only be meaningful if it fits in their world. For example, when you see your mother or father after a long time, it is best that you don’t address them as Dad or Mom. There is no surety that they would remember you. It is always nice to greet them with a warm, friendly smile by saying a “hi” or “hello”. Give them time to respond. If they recognize you and respond by greeting you, you can move to the next step. If they don’t, it is always nice to compliment about something they are wearing or something that they have or something that they have worked on. Scan the environment to pick on a subject to compliment them. We as humans love compliments. Compliments always will always open doors for meaningful and purposeful conversation. Do not ask questions and do not make statements. Pleasant comments should always prevail in your conversation. You are there to enjoy them and so are they. Questions, statements will only create confusion and agitation. Some of the questions that you should never ask is- Did you take your medication; Did you have your breakfast; What did you have for breakfast, lunch or dinner; Is every one treating you well; How do you like it here? It is your responsibility to find answers to your concerns and questions without asking them. Visitations with your mother or dad should be joyful and an enjoyable one. Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease register emotional experiences well. It is extremely important that experiences are happy and joyful. This kind of experience is important for you and so is it for them. Always, remember where the individual with Alzheimer’s disease is and it is your responsibility to find a way to enter into their world. You will be pleasantly surprised what you will find when you enter into theirs. The emotions and experiences that they may treasure when you were born or your recital that they attended or the swimming lessons that they bused you or a silly vacation that they took you or it can be a simple thing as playing with you in the yard when you were little. Give them a chance! A chance that will open you to an entire new world, a world that you never would have known.  To learn more about Alzheimer’s disease, its prevention and treatment visit and


Jean Makesh, CEO



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