We understand privacy is important and you may not feel comfortable providing personal information, please use this form to provide anonymous feedback. In the event you want us to contact you directly please include your personal information such as name, email and phone number” You may provide feedback on the community, staff, care or anything for that matter. We take feedback very serious. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. Any feedback provided from this form is completely anonymous and is sent to the CEO of the company.
Included services to the base rate:
Telephone services
Cable services
High speed internet
Air condition
Tap water
Clients Responsibility:
Beauty Shop services, outdoor activities (restaurant, movies etc)
Additional discounts:
1. 5% discount on the base rate with 12 months of base rate pre-payment. If 12 months of base rate pre-payment is not
replenished within 30 days upon due (due after every 12 months) the client will forfeit the 5% discount and will pay the full
base rate immediately.
2. The long-term non-Medicaid security deposit will be waived with 12 months of base rate pre-payment. If 12 months of
base rate pre- payment is not replenished within 30 days upon due (due after every 12 months) the client will pay
the full long-term non- Medicaid security deposit immediately.
Medicaid waiver eligibility:
1. The client must be a resident of Lantern of Chagrin Valley for a minimum of 3 years as private pay.
2. Lantern of Chagrin Valley will only be able to care for the client under the Medicaid waiver eligibility program if the client
requires Lantern of Chagrin Valley’s defined basic care and care plus for assisted living type.
3. Lantern of Chagrin Valley will not be able to care for the client under the Medicaid waiver eligibility program if the client
requires Lantern of Chagrin Valley’s defined extended care for both assisted living and cognitive care type.
3.The client must deposit a $12,000 non-refundable security deposit.